Feeling More Confident!

I don’t know why, but I am always linking to Todd’s posts, but here I go again. Like Todd, I am feeling much better about my dailies. I only have two until I am fully caught up (except for the two new ones)! I still have to get my ball to consistently bounce in all directions. It bounces diagonally and then stops at the bottom, but David gave me some pointers on adding more conditions, I just haven’t had a chance to go back to that daily yet. The daily that is really frustrating me is the 5th bubble’s daily, making your own object move around. I just did a simple square, used very basic code, and just can’t get it to work! Now looking at Kelly’s post though, I wonder if it is my capitalization! I kept getting the same error that she did, which was that my square was undefined. I will definitely have to look at that in open lab tomorrow before class (as long as I can get there in time depending on the roads). If that is all it is, I am going to extremely happy and annoyed at the same time, which pretty much sums up my feelings with coding on a consistent basis.

On a side note, I met up with Dianna last week and she showed me how to put my blog post in to github (online) instead of Atom, and I really prefer it! I like to type my blog post in Word and then copy and paste it. When I do that in Atom, everything appears on one line, and it is hard to do any edits. When I do it in github online, there is a nice button that aligns it all so it looks like a normal Word document would with the alignment. So thank you Dianna for that pointer! It is funny how the simple things can make me so happy! She also gave me an appreciation for using asterisks for italicizing and bolding words.