
Since I wasn’t in class last week I spent some time looking at MakeyMakey videos that I found as well as videos that David sent me. I am just going to throw this out there, at some point in my life I will probably be one of those people who make an interactive MakeyMakey with their pets. It is just so entertaining!

Here is a non-animal related MakeyMakey video that I really enjoyed that David sent me. I seriously fell down the wormhole of MakeyMakey YouTube videos. Some of these videos make me feel that I need to be more imaginative and to allow my imagination to “flow freely” (2) as this week’s reading suggests. Also, the positive work that the people can do with MakeyMakey is truly inspiring. I posted a video in my other blog post that is really moving. That being said, I am excited to actually get to work with the MakeyMakey tomorrow instead of just looking at videos, and I hope I can have just a 1/100 of the imagination that people in the YouTube videos have.

Moving on to coding, between the games, Spring Break, the flu and MakeyMakey YouTube videos, I feel like my coding is now a little rusty. Tomorrow’s task is going to be rewatching the basic coding videos again, and meeting with David and Adina to work on some code together as well as our MakeyMakey project. I am happy the classroom is set up as a collaborative classroom and everyone has strengths and weaknesses to help each other out. For us being the trial/first class, I think our energy and dedication to helping each other out makes us pretty damn great.